Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation
Tauladan Fathimah Azzahraen-USJournal of Financial Technology and Business InnovationThe Role of Price, Service Quality, and Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions for Ice Cream and Tea in Indonesia
<p>This research aims to measure how big a marketing role has been used by the mixue ice cream and tea business in attracting consumers of various ages from teenagers, adults to people over the age of thirty and above in consumer purchasing decisions for mixue ice cream and tea. In this study, a quantitative research method was employed, involving 96 respondents selected through a simple random sampling technique. The data were collected using a Likert scale and analyzed using the SPSS version 25 program. Various statistical techniques were applied for thorough analysis, including validity and reliability tests to ensure the robustness of the measurement tools. Classical assumption tests were conducted to check the assumptions underlying multiple linear regression analysis. The primary analyses included multiple linear regression analysis, multiple correlation tests, determination coefficient tests, as well as T tests (Partial) and F tests (Simultaneous) to assess the individual and collective impact of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of the validity test rcount > rtable 0.168 were declared valid, the reliability test of all variables had Cronbach’s Alpah > 0.60 declared reliable, the classical assumption test was said to be all normally distributed, multiple linear regression analysis Y=4.736+0.081X1+0.365 X2+0.440 multiple correlation of 0.706 is stated to have an influence on the purchasing decision variable, the coefficient of determination (R2) test is 0.489 (48.9%) and the remaining 50.2%, the T test (partial) for the service quality and brand image variables is > 1.985 and the price variable is t (1.499 ) < from ttable (1.985) and F test (simultaneous) Fcount (30.420) > Ftable (2.70) then H2 is accepted and uses the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05, it is concluded that the variables price (X1), service quality (X2) and brand image (X3) have a significant simultaneous effect and the most dominant test is Brand Image (X3) of 0.440 from multiple linear regression analysis and T test (partial) of 4.456 then H3 is accepted. In summary, the study outlines that the brand image variable plays a crucial role in enhancing consumer purchasing decisions for ice cream and tea mixtures. However, it suggests that further research should be conducted to explore the insignificant relationship between price and consumer purchasing decisions, which currently yields an unsatisfactory correlation. This recommendation opens avenues for future investigations to delve deeper into the dynamics of pricing and its impact on consumer choices in the context of ice cream and tea mixtures.</p>Permatasari CindySulaeman Moh. Muklis
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation
2024-04-172024-04-1711Digital Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria
<p>The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of digital financial inclusion on poverty alleviation in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study focused on residents of Rivers State as the target population. Using a combination of multistage and purposive sampling methods, a sample size of 223 participants was selected. Data collection involved the administration of a structured questionnaire, with steps taken to ensure the validity and reliability of the research instrument. The collected data was analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, including tables, frequencies, graphs, and percentages. Hypotheses were tested using simple regression models through SPSS version 25.0 software. Findings showed a significant and positive correlation between mobile money accounts, presence of point-of-sale (POS) machines, frequency of mobile payments, and consumption expenditure in Rivers State. Based on these results, it is concluded that digital financial inclusion plays an important role in poverty alleviation, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. The recommendation is for the Central Bank of Nigeria to enact effective monetary policies to promote financial inclusion and poverty alleviation. In addition, expanding digital financial services in both urban and rural areas and implementing comprehensive financial literacy programs for low-income individuals, especially in rural areas, are suggested to address financial exclusion and reduce poverty levels.</p>Marshal IwediPrincewill Ihenacho WACHUKUJeff Chizuru AMADI
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation
2024-04-172024-04-17111332The Nine-Dash Line and Maritime Territorialization: Over the Sovereignty Claims of the Philippines, Indonesia,in the South China Sea under UNCLOS
<p>This paper delves into the contentious issue of the Nine-Dash Line and marine territorialization in the South China Sea, with a specific focus on the sovereignty claims of the Philippines and Indonesia under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The Nine-Dash Line, asserted by China, intersects with the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of several Southeast Asian nations, notably the Philippines and Indonesia, leading to disputes over fishing rights, oil and gas exploration, and regional militarization. Through an exploration of the legal framework provided by UNCLOS, this study aims to elucidate potential avenues for conflict resolution, whether through diplomatic negotiations, arbitration, or legal adjudication. Additionally, the abstract highlights the geopolitical dimensions of the issue, emphasizing the roles played by key regional and global actors. Ultimately, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding maritime sovereignty in the South China Sea and offers insights into pathways for peaceful resolution of disputes</p>Raden Handiriono HandirionoDharliana HardjowikartoAdhinda Maharani Maharani
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation
2024-04-172024-04-17113340Quality Of the Work Environment Through the Approach Of Employee Perceptions In Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
<p>This study aims to investigate the relationship between perceptions of the quality of the work environment, behavior, and organization in PT manufacturing. The research method used was a questionnaire survey distributed to employees from various divisions within the company. The variables studied include perceptions of the quality of the work environment, employee behavior in carrying out their duties, and the level of organization within the company. The results of the study show that there is a positive correlation between perceived quality of the work environment and employee behavior. The more positive the perception of the quality of the work environment, the better Sulimamanufaktur is also seen to be related to the perceived quality of the work environment and employee behavior. This study advances our knowledge of how the caliber of the workplace influences employee behavior and efficient organizational performance. This study's findings suggest that organizations must keep improving the workplace in order to boost organizational effectiveness and behavior quality in manufacturing businesses.In order to create a successful and happy work environment, perception, the environment's quality, behavior, and organization are crucial factors that are interconnected. The secret to attaining organizational goals is a thorough grasp of how individual perceptions influence their conduct and how that behavior contributes to organizing. Organizations may improve employee performance, boost satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized market by providing a happy, encouraging, and high-quality work environment</p>Silvia Listia Fadillah SilviaPutri Fatikasari PutriIkva Diana Yesta IkvaFarah Fadillah Amru FarahLisa Harry Sulistiyowati Lisa Harry Sulistiyowati
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation
2024-04-172024-04-17114151The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness on Consumer Loyalty in Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan
<p>This study seeks to examine the impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness on Consumer Loyalty towards Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan. The target population comprised all customers who purchased Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan between August and October, totaling 1,862, with a sample size of 95 respondents selected through purposive sampling using the Slovin formula. The research employed linear regression analysis for data analysis, and for hypothesis testing, both the t test and F test were utilized. The findings from SPSS Version 25 indicate that, based on the t test, Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness individually exert a significant influence on Consumer Loyalty to Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan. Additionally, the F test results reveal that the collective influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness is statistically significant in predicting Consumer Loyalty to Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan.</p>Sathori HisyamSulaeman Moh. Muklis
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation