Promoting Awareness about Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Reflective practice, pedagogical content knowledge, content representation, combustion, air componentsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of the feedback gained from targeted self-confrontation on a teacher’s knowledge about his own practice. To do so, we opted for a case study within a qualitative approach. Through a sequence of self-confrontations, we employed content representation (CoRe) as a tool to advance a teacher’s pedagogical content awareness. We investigated the evolution of content representation during three self-confrontations assisted by CoRe. And we used the outcomes to draw up a CoRe design for each self-confrontation. The topic of teaching was air components and combustion. The results show an important increase of content aspects considered by the teacher during self-confrontation. We concluded that CoRe is an efficient tool that can contribute to elicit teacher’s awareness about the significant aspects of content pedagogical knowledge.
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