The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness on Consumer Loyalty in Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan


  • Sathori Hisyam Department of Economics and Business, Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Sulaeman Moh. Muklis Department of Economics and Business, Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia


Brand Image, Brand Trust, Brand Awareness,, Consumer Loyalty


This study seeks to examine the impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness on Consumer Loyalty towards Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan. The target population comprised all customers who purchased Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan between August and October, totaling 1,862, with a sample size of 95 respondents selected through purposive sampling using the Slovin formula. The research employed linear regression analysis for data analysis, and for hypothesis testing, both the t test and F test were utilized. The findings from SPSS Version 25 indicate that, based on the t test, Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness individually exert a significant influence on Consumer Loyalty to Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan. Additionally, the F test results reveal that the collective influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness is statistically significant in predicting Consumer Loyalty to Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan.


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How to Cite

Hisyam, S., & Moh. Muklis , S. (2024). The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Brand Awareness on Consumer Loyalty in Excel Pet Food at Fish Center Lamongan. Journal of Financial Technology and Business Innovation, 1(1), 52–65. Retrieved from