The Role of Price, Service Quality, and Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions for Ice Cream and Tea in Indonesia
Price, Service Quality,, Brand Image,, Purchasing Decisions and MarketingAbstract
This research aims to measure how big a marketing role has been used by the mixue ice cream and tea business in attracting consumers of various ages from teenagers, adults to people over the age of thirty and above in consumer purchasing decisions for mixue ice cream and tea. In this study, a quantitative research method was employed, involving 96 respondents selected through a simple random sampling technique. The data were collected using a Likert scale and analyzed using the SPSS version 25 program. Various statistical techniques were applied for thorough analysis, including validity and reliability tests to ensure the robustness of the measurement tools. Classical assumption tests were conducted to check the assumptions underlying multiple linear regression analysis. The primary analyses included multiple linear regression analysis, multiple correlation tests, determination coefficient tests, as well as T tests (Partial) and F tests (Simultaneous) to assess the individual and collective impact of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of the validity test rcount > rtable 0.168 were declared valid, the reliability test of all variables had Cronbach’s Alpah > 0.60 declared reliable, the classical assumption test was said to be all normally distributed, multiple linear regression analysis Y=4.736+0.081X1+0.365 X2+0.440 multiple correlation of 0.706 is stated to have an influence on the purchasing decision variable, the coefficient of determination (R2) test is 0.489 (48.9%) and the remaining 50.2%, the T test (partial) for the service quality and brand image variables is > 1.985 and the price variable is t (1.499 ) < from ttable (1.985) and F test (simultaneous) Fcount (30.420) > Ftable (2.70) then H2 is accepted and uses the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05, it is concluded that the variables price (X1), service quality (X2) and brand image (X3) have a significant simultaneous effect and the most dominant test is Brand Image (X3) of 0.440 from multiple linear regression analysis and T test (partial) of 4.456 then H3 is accepted. In summary, the study outlines that the brand image variable plays a crucial role in enhancing consumer purchasing decisions for ice cream and tea mixtures. However, it suggests that further research should be conducted to explore the insignificant relationship between price and consumer purchasing decisions, which currently yields an unsatisfactory correlation. This recommendation opens avenues for future investigations to delve deeper into the dynamics of pricing and its impact on consumer choices in the context of ice cream and tea mixtures.
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